Why Waddani Supporters are Quitting the Party in Exodus? By:Mohammed Dahir Ahmed

Why Waddani Supporters are Quitting the Party in Exodus?

By:Mohammed Dahir Ahmed

Local political commentators here in Somaliland were asking themselves these days what is going on in Waddani party, and what has caused this mass resignation from the party?

What ever the reasons behind these mass resignations are, local political commentaters  have summarized  why people are leaving Waddani party in exodus on the following four points:

  1. Chronic leadership crisis on  top of the party hierarchy,after the party founders and the group led by Hersi Ali ,the former minister of the presidency, could not see in the same lense the policy direction of the party in the country and  in the Diaspora communities. One of the issues which have further widened the chasm between those groups within the party took place, when the party leader, Hersi Ali nominated overseas party representatives in Europe and North America without consulting  Mr. Fadal,the party’s shadow secretary for foreign affairs and the same time one of the founding members of the party. Mr. Fadal is still on the brink of resignation. The Damuljadid sect led by Hersi Ali overtook the party’s founding members, which has resulted the resignations of the party first deputy chairman, the third deputy chairman, various MPs and shadow party secretaries including among others;MP Rayte,Hinda Gani,Ali  Americo,Rooda etc. Similarly, as reliable sources indicate, an other mass resignations are on the papeline,which is expected to be the resignations of close to 42 senior waddani party officers.
  2. The other contentious issue which has resulted senior party members chasm and mass resignations is Waddani party’s blatant opposition on major infrastructure development projects  currently underway in the country such as the modernization of the strategic port of Berbera. Party members whom were enthusiastic supporters of those development endeavors have resigned the party. Their anger and frustration have increased when Waddani sided with  Iran and the despotic regime of Eretria as far as opposing the Berbera port development is concerned.
  3. Other elucidations on that mass resignation is the fact that there are departmental disputes between party officials, such as the current dispute among the party spokesperson, the party media advisor and the information shadow secratery,who is expected to resign soon as sources close to the party indicated.
  4. The power struggle,bewilderment and multiple source of authority from the party candidate, party chairman, party leader, and party politburo, have demoralized many party cadres, which ultimately resulted their resignation from the party.


Let us see where this mass resignations end in the days and months to come.

By:Mohammed Dahir Ahmed


Ku Xayeysiiso