Gudaha Ka Eeg :Xarunta Xuquuqal Insaanku waxaay ku baaqaysaa in xayiraadda laga qaado Kalsan TV

Wasiirka Warfaafinta Somaliland Cismaan Cabdilaahi Saxardiid ayaa xayiray telefiishanka Kalsan TV oo xarutiisa guud tahay Ingiriiska. Wasiirku wuxuu amray in la xidho dhamaan xafiisyada Kalsan TV ee Somaliland ku yaal. Xayiraadani waxaay xidhiidh la leedahay war uu sii daayay telefiishanku 3dii November 2017 kaas oo ku saabsan isku soo bax olole oo xisbiga talada haya ee Kulmiye uu ku lahaa Laascaanood.


Wasiirku wuxuu soo saaray go’aan maanta. Shir jaraa’d oo qabtay ayuu kaga dhawaaqay in uu kala noqday Kalsan TV ruqsadii uu ku hawlgalayay. Nuqul ka mid ah go’aanka Wasiirka oo ay aragtay Xarutu aya sheegay in la xayiray Kalsan TV kadib markii uu “telefiishanka Kalsan xadgudbyo ku sameeyey Qaranimada JSL, islamarkaan baahiyay 03 Nov 2017 war been abuur ah.” Go’aanku sidoo kale wuxuu ku eedeeyey telefiishanka inuu khalkhal geliyay xasiloonida iyo nabad gelyada dalka.


Warka xayiraadda keenay ayaa ah mid la baahiyay 3dii November 2017, wuxuuna muujinayaa qas ka dhacay meel uu ka jiray isku soo bax ololaha ah oo uu lahaa xisbiga Kulmiye. Fiidyawga la baahiyay ayay ka muuqatay isku dhex yaac iyo rasaas ay rideen ciidamada amnigu. Wax qasaare ah lama sheegin.


Xayiraadani waa mid ka soo horjeedda Dastuurka iyo Baaqa Caalamiga ah ee Xuquuqal Insaanka. Dastuurku wuxuu sheegayaa in warbaahintu ay madax banaan tahay, wuuna reebay wax kasta oo lagu cabudhinayo.


“Hadii ay dawladdu wax cabasho ah ka qabto warka uu baahiyay Kalsan TV, waxaay ahayd inay marto hanaan sharci halkii ay kala noqonayso ruqsadda. Xarunta Xuquuqal Insaanku aad bay uga walaacsan tahay talaabadan ay dawladdu qaaday xilli doorasho,” ayuu yidhi Guleid Ahmed Jama, gudoomiyaha Xarunta Xuquuqal Insaanka.


Xaruntu waxaay ugu baaqaysaa dawladda Somaliland inay ogolaato in Kalsan TV uu hawlihiisa dib u bilawdo oo ay xayiradda ka qaado.


Human Rights Centre calls on the government of Somaliland to allow Kalsan TV to resume broadcasting


Today, the Minister of Information Osman Abdilahi Sahardid indefinitely banned Kalsan TV, the UK based Somali broadcaster, and ordered the closure of its offices in Somaliland. The ban is connected to coverage broadcasted by Kalsan TV which reported about incident that has happened on 3rd November at a ruling party campaign rally held in Laas Anood, east of Somaliland.


The Minister issued a decision today and held a news conference in which he announced that he revoked the license of Kalsan TV. A copy of the decision seen by Human Rights Centre says Kalsan TV is banned for “violating the statehood of Somaliland and broadcasting on 3rd November a false news”. The decision also accuses the TV of disturbing the security and peace of the country.


The coverage which the ban is connected was broadcasted on 3rd November 2017 and shows “a disturbance” at a campaign rally in Laas Anood held by the ruling party, Kulmiye. The video clip aired on the television displays disruption at the rally and shots fired by the security forces.


The ban is contrary to the Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Article 32 of Somaliland constitution states that the media is independent and prohibits all acts that subjugate the media. Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights says “everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers”.


“If the government has an objection against the news item, it should use the legal channels instead of revoking its license. We are very concerned about the action of the government in an election period,” says Guleid Ahmed Jama, the chairperson of Human Rights Centre.


Human Rights Centre calls on the government of Somaliland to allow Kalsan TV to resume broadcasting immediately.





Guleid Ahmed Jama

Chairperson of Human Rights Centre, Hargeisa Somaliland

Lawyer at Xaqdoon Law Firm

Mobile: +252 63 4468227    Email:

Twitter: @GuleidJ





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