Kooxda Difaacayaasha Xuquuqal Insaanku oo walaac ka muujiysay dad ku geeryooday mudaharaadyo dhacay doorashada kadib

Kooxda Difaacayaasha Xuquuqal Insaanku oo walaac ka muujiysay dad ku geeryooday mudaharaadyo dhacay doorashada kadib


15kii November 2017 mudaharaad ayaa ka dhacay qaybo ka mid ah Hargeysa, Burco iyo Ceergaabo kadib markii xubno ka mid ah xisbiga mucaaradka ah ee Waddani ay ku sheegeen shir jaraa’id oo ay qabteen in “wax is dabo marini dhacday.” 13kii November 2017 ayaa Somaliland qabatay doorasho madaxweyne oo ay ku baratameen sadex xisbi.

Laba qof oo rayid ah ayaa ku dhintay Burco afar kalena way ku dhaawacmeen kadib marki ciidamada amaanka ee booliiska iyo Ciidanka Qaranku ay fureen rasaas ay ku kala eryayeen dadka mudaharaadka samaynayay. Hargeysa gabadh ayaa ku dhimatay kadib markii xabadi ku dhacday, ugu yarana shan qofina way ku dhawaacmeen.


Wasiirka Madaxtooyada oo hadlay wuxuu sheegay in xubno ka tirsan ciidamada ay dhaawacyo soo gaadhsiiyeen dadka mudaharaaday oo dhagxaan tuurayay.


Magaalada Burco ciidamada soo dhexgalay si ay u kala dareeriyaan dadka mudaharaday waxa ka mid ah Ciidanka Qaranka (Military), sida ay xaqiijiyeen dad goob joog ahaa.


Maalintii doorashada waxa mudo kooban la xidhay xubno mucaarad ah oo uu ka mid yahay Xamse Khayre oo ah madaxa ololaha Waddani oo lagu xidhay Gabiley, iyo Baashe Yuusuf Axmed iyo Faadimo Siciid oo ka tirsan madaxda Waddani lagu xidhay Hargeysa. Dhamaantood waxa la sii daayay isla maalintiiba


Dhinaca kale baraha bulshada ee interneetka ayaa la xidhay 13kii ilaa 17kii November.


Kooxda Difaacayaasha Xuquuqal Insaanku waxaay ugu baaqaysaa hay’adaha amniga inay is xakameeyaan oo aanay isticmaalin wax rasaas ah oo ay kaga hortegayaan dad shacab ah oo mudaharaadsan sidoo kale Ciidanka Qaranka (military) waa inaanu soo dhexgelin arimaha ka dhacaya gudaha dalka iyo mudaharaadyada ay shacabku sameeyaan.

Waxaanu ugu baaqaynaa dhamaan dhinacyadu inay isticmaalaan marino nabad gelyo ah oo aanay samayn wax rabshado ah. Wixii cabasho ah waa in lagu xalliyo si nabad ah.


 Kooxda Difaacayaasha Xuquuqal Insaanku waa ururo iyo difacaayaal xuquuqal insaan oo u midoobay inay xaqiijiyaan inaan lagu tacadiyin xuquuqda dadka xiliga doorshada.


  Faisa Aw Ali Yousuf

Gudoomiyaha Kooxda Difaacayaasha Xuquuqal Insaanka

Email: faizayussuf@gmail.com

Phone: 063 4418771

 Somaliland: Human Rights Defenders Group expresses deep concern over the deaths of civilians at post-election disturbances


 On 15th November 2017 demonstrations occurred in parts of Hargeisa, Buroa and Erigavo after members of Waddani opposition party held a press conference in which they made allegations of “irregularities”. On 13th November 2017, Somaliland held a presidential election competed by three political parties.


Two civilians died in Burao and other four were injured by the security forces including the police and the military who used live bullets to disperse protestors. In Hargiesa, female street vendor died after she was hit by a bullet and at least five people were injured.


In a statement, the Minister of Presidency stated that members of the security forces sustained injuries caused by stones thrown by protesters, according to the Minister.


In Buroa the military was part of the security forces that intervened to disperse the protests, according to eyewitnesses.  


At the Election Day, opposition members were briefly detained. Hamse Khayre, the campaign manager of Waddani, was detained in Gabiley and Bashe Yousuf Ahmed, the Chief of Staff of the presidential candidate of Waddani and Fatimo Saeed, a senior member, were detained Hargeisa. They were all released on the same day.


The social media was shut down from 13th to 17th November 2017.


“We call on the security forces to restrain and avoid using live ammunition against civilian protestors. The military shall not be used to intervene in internal disturbances and protests of civilians,” says Faisa Aw Ali, the chairwomen of the Human Rights Defenders Group.


“We call on all parties to use peaceful channels, and not to make any violence. All grievances shall be resolved peacefully” she added.


The Human Rights Defenders Group is ad hoc gathering of human rights organizations and defenders who are united by the purpose of ensuring the protection and promotion of human rights during the election period.


  Faisa Aw Ali Yousuf

Chairperson of the Human Rights Defenders Group

Email: faizayussuf@gmail.com

Phone: 063 4418771





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