Xarunta Xuquuqal Insaanku waxaay canbaaraynaysaa xayiradda Hadhwanaagnews la saaray

24kii November 2017, waxa Maxkamadda Gobolka Hargeysa ay xayirtay shabakadda wararka ee Hadhwanaagnews, sida ay noo xaqiijiyeen maamulka shabakadda iyo saraakiil ka tirsan maxkamadda. Shabakadda waxa laga xayiray interneetka gudaha dadka isticmaala.

Maxkamaddu waxaay soo saartay amarka xayiraadda iyada oo aan ogaysiin maamulka shabakadda waxa lagu haystaa waxay yihiin. Maamulku wuxuu ku ogaaday xayiraadda markii dadka isticmaalaa ay uga soo cawdeen inaanay geli karin shabakadda, sida uu noo sheegay Cabdirisaaq Good, agaasimaha shabakaddu,

Sarkaal Maxkamadda ka tirsani wuxuu noo sheegay in Booliisku uu dacwad ka keenay Hadhwanaag. Taas oo la xidhiidha warar la daabacay doorashadii Madaxwaynenimo ee 13ka November kadib. Qoralaadaas oo la sheegay inay ku saabsanaayeen sida ay u dhacday doorashadu.

13 November 2017 waxa Somaliland ka dhacday doorasho madaxwaynenimo oo uu ku guulaystay murashixii u tartamayay xisbiga talada haya, Muuse Biixi Cabdi.

Xayiradda la saarayo baraha interneetku way sii kordhayaan. Waxa July sanadkan ay maxkamadda Hargeysa xayiraad saartay shan shabakadood oo ay ku eedaysay inay “faafiyeen warar been abuur ah oo ka dhan ha wada jirka qabaailka Somaliland ku wada nool iyo dacaayad ka dhan ah madaxda Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland.” Sidoo kale baraha bulshada ayaa Gudida Doorashadu ay xayireen 13kii ilaa 17 November iyaga oo sheegay inay ka hor tegayaan warar been abuur ah.

Xayiradda Hadhwanaagnews waa mid aan la aqbali karin oo khatar ku ah xorriyadda warbaahinta. Waxaanu canbaaraynaynaa isku dayga lagu doonayo in lagu maamulo warbaahinta madaxa banaan.

Dastuurka Somaliland wuxuu damaanad qaaday xorriyaddda saxaafadda isaga oo mamnuucay wax kast aoo lagu cabudhinayo, sida ku cad qodobka 32 ee dastuurka.

Xaruntu waxaay ugu baaqaysaa dawladda Somaliland inay ka qaato Hadhwanaagenws xayiraadda.

Guleid Ahmed Jama
Gudoomiyaha Xarunta Xuquuqal Insaanka, Hargeys Somaliland
Email: chair@hrcsomaliland.org

Human Rights Centre condemns the blockage of Hadhwanaagnews website

On 24th November 2017, Hadhwanaagnews website was blocked on the order of Hargeisa Regional Court, according to the management of the website and court officials. The website has been inaccessible to the users of the local internet providers.

The court issued its order without informing the management of the website the contents of allegations. The management of the website learnt the blockage after customers informed them that they could not access the website, Abdirisak Good, the Director of Hadhwanaagnews told Human Rights Centre (HRC).

 A court official told HRC that there is a case filled by the police against Hadhwanaagnews. The case is related to news articles published by the website after the 13th November presidential election. The articles were allegedly critical to the way the election was handled.

On 13th November 2017 Somaliland held a presidential election won by the ruling party candidate, Muse Behi Abdi.

Blocking of online media is increasing. On July this year five websites were blocked by a court in Hargeisa on the basis that they were “disseminating false news against the clans that live together in the Republic of Somaliland {and} propaganda against the officials of the State of the Republic of Somaliland.” The social media were also blocked on the Election Day, 13th November, until 17th November on the order of the National Electoral Commission. The Commission said the shutdown was necessary to avoid rumours and spread of fake news

“The blockage of Hadhwanaagnews is unacceptable and is threat to the freedom of media. We condemn the attempts aimed to control the independent media coverage,” says Guleid Ahmed Jama, the chairperson of Human Rights Centre.

Somaliland constitution upholds freedom of press and prohibits any act that subjugates the media, as stipulated in article 32 of Somaliland constitution.

Human Rights Center calls on the government of Somaliland to lift the blockage from Hadhwanaagnews website.

For further information, please contact
Guleid Ahmed Jama
Human Rights Center
Hargeisa Somaliland


Ku Xayeysiiso