WAR-SAXAAFADEED: Shir Sannadeedka 4aad ee Qurbajoogga Somaliland iyo Abaalmarinta Qurbajoogga Maalgashaday Dalkooda Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland


Shir Sannadeedka 4aad ee Qurbajoogga Somaliland iyo Abaalmarinta Qurbajoogga Maalgashaday Dalkooda Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland

Hay’adda Qurbajoogga Somaliland ee ka tirsan Wasaaradda Arrimaha Debadda & Iskaashiga Caalamiga ah JSL waxa ay qabanaysaa  shir sannadeedka 4aad ee Qurbajoogga Somaliland oo ka dhacaya Hudheelka Crown ee Magaalada Hargeysa Maalinta Isniinta 27-ka bisha August, 2018 haddii Alle Idmo.

Shirka sannadkan oo loo bixiyay “Abaalmarinta Maalgashiga Qurbajoogga,” waafaqsanna qorshaha istaraatiijiyadeed ee qaranka uga yaalla xagga kor u qaadida doorka maalgashiga Qurbajoogga ee fursadaha ganacsiga dalka sida ku sheegan QHQ2-2018-2021; ayaa noqonaya munaasibad aan uga faaiidaysanayno inaan u mahad celinno, maamuusno, oo aan si heer qaran ah u xusno doorka muhiimka ah ee Qurbajoog badan oo ganacsiyo kala duwan maalgashaday ka gaysanayaan shaqo abuurka iyo la dagaalanka faqriga, koboca dhaqaalaha dalka, iyo dakhliga dawladdaba, isla markaana aan farriin u dirro, oo kor u qaadno heerka wacyiga Qurbajoogga Jaalliyadaha Somaliland inay ogaadaan fursadaha dihin ee ka jira dalkooda ee dhiggoodu maalgashadeen, dawladdooduna diyaar u tahay in waxbadan loo fudaydsho.

Waxa muuqata in nabadgelyada buuxda ee ka jirta dalka JSL, iyo nidaamka dawladeed ee dadka u adeegaya awgeed, in doorasho kasta oo si dimuqraadi iyo nabadgelyo ah  uga qabsoonta Somaliland ay dhiirrigelinayso xidhiidhka jaalliyadaha, soo noqoshada dadka, iyo heerka Qurbajoogga maalgashanaya ganacsiyada kala duwan oo tusaale 50% inka badan meheradaha ganacsiga Qurbajoogga ee ka jira Hargeysa si rasmi ah loo furay intii ka dambaysay doorashadii madaxtinimada 2010, halka ay seddexdii sano ee ugu dambeeyayna  si xawli ah u kordheen sida ay Hay’adda Qurbajooggu ku ogaatay daraasad ay fulisay 2017, si la mid ahna dadka fasaxa xagaaga iyo booqashada gaaban ku imanaya  dalka ayaa aad usoo badanaya sannadba sannadka xiga.

Siyaasadda Qurbajoogga Qaranka JSL ayaa dhigaysaa in sannad walba Hay’adda Qurbajooggu in si loo dhirrigeliyo waxqabadkooda la xuso, laguna bogaadiyo xubnaha, kooxaha, iyo ururada Qurbajoogga ah ee maalgashi ku dayasho  mudan ku sameeya dalka, ama waxqabad siyaabo kale u taageeraya horumarka ka gaysta dalkooda JSL. Waxa taas lagu bilaabay sannadkan oo abaalmarin bogaadineed lagu guddoon siinayo ganacsato kala duwan oo Qurbajoog ah Shir Sannadeedkan 4aad. Waana mid la joogtaynayo oo siyaabo kala duwan oo waxqabad lagu mutaysan doono Abaalmarinta Qurbajoogga ee Sannadka (The Annual Diaspora Award).

Faahfaahin dheerada, kala xidhiidh Tell 52 0485 (Office Line), 063 6487552 (Phone) ama u dir Email  sldiasporaawards@gmail.com  / sldiasporaagency@gmail.com




Somaliland Diaspora Agency officially launches 4th Annual Diaspora Conference 2018



The Somaliland Diaspora Agency (SLDA) under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation of the Republic of Somaliland is officially announcing 4th Annual Diaspora Conference scheduled on the Monday August 27, at Crown Hotel in Hargeisa.

The Annual Diaspora Conference/homecoming events typically constitute essential occasion for bringing together investors, professionals, community leaders, intellectuals, and activists of Somaliland Diaspora, Government representatives, and other stakeholders to discuss critical topics, and have consultations on common issues of concerns in relation to the country, and the Diaspora affairs, as well as other subjects aligned with the National Development Plan, and Somaliland Vision 2030.


Fully sponsored by Somaliland Government, this year, the upcoming Conference is one day event, and the first of its kind in Somaliland as for the selected theme of “Diaspora Investment Award” which entails recognizing and acknowledging Diaspora investors who made varied businesses, and accordingly contributed to creating employments, and opportunities for the people as well as revenues for the Government of Somaliland.

In many African and other developing countries that attested successful in the Diaspora engagement including Ethiopia, Uganda, Ghana, Morocco, and Nigeria, annual awarding of the Diaspora pioneering entrepreneurs and other role models is regarded one of the best practices, and uplifting strategy in furthering Diaspora commitment in the homeland development in general. Despite any existing challenges in the sector, yet Somaliland Diaspora role observed as one of the principal community in contribution to their origin country development.

The 4th Annual Diaspora Conference is an imperative opportunity, as Somaliland Government, we are taking to acknowledge their achievements, and award a number of the Diaspora investors of diverse SMEs who are only some of the investors mostly based in the Capital City, Hargeisa, plus other deserving charity organizations, as well as commendable individual promoters of the Somaliland Diaspora in different host countries.  This year, we are not categorizing them into the scale of the made investment, exclusiveness, or other uniqueness of the Diaspora businesses. However, the Annual Diaspora Award is strategy stated in the laid National Diaspora Policy of Somaliland, and so will be kept up and received by the deserving winners for a variety of championships, pioneering, and innovations towards the homeland investment and development results by the Diaspora each year in the future.

For further details, please dial 52 0485 (Office Line), or email to sldiasporaawards@gmail.com / sldiasporaagency@gmail.com

Press Statement Issued by Somaliland Diaspora Agency

Hargeisa, Republic of Somaliland

Monday, August 13, 2018



Ku Xayeysiiso