Stop Berbera military base by The united arab emirates.By: Mohamed Yusuf Qalib

It’s fact that the United arab emirates formally in januray after successfully getting sigature of Berbera port requested from Somaliland government permission to use the strategic Red sea port of Berbera as military base,inorder to blocked and launch attacks on yeman warring factions.

We as somalilander live in turbulent times&region marred by wars and internal conflicts,our democracy is weak,our economy is fragile,this base will jeopardize our weak.but stable peace,we our rebuilding a nation destoryed by their government ex.republic of Somali.please stop this military base;we will gain nothing from that except animosity and interal conflicts.

This petition will be delivered to:

  • President of United arab emirates
    United arab emirates :sheikh Khalifa bin Zayid Alnahyan.united nations special envoy of secretary ge


Ku Xayeysiiso