Xarunta Xuquuqal Insaanku waxaay ugu baaqaysaa dawladda Somaliland inay sii dayso Abwaan Naciima Axmed Ibraahim oo ku xidhan Hargeysa.
27kii January 2018, Abwaan Naciima Axmed Ibraahim ayaa Hay’adda Sirdoonka Qaranku ka xidhay gegida diyaaradaha ee Cigaal oo ay uga dhoofaysay Muqdisho, sida uu noo xaqiijiyay abeheed, Axmed Ibraahim oo la hadlay Xarunta.
Naciima waxa markii hore lagu xidhay goob ay maamusho Hay’adda Sirdoonka Qaranka. Waxa 28kii January loo wareejiyay Saldhiga Dhexe ee Hargeysa oo ay hada ku xidhan tahay, sida ay noo xaqiijiyeen ilo.
Waxa la hor keenay Maxkamadda Gobolka Hargeysa 29kii January 2018 iyo 1dii February 2018. Maxkamaddu way rumaan garaysay si loo hayo inta baadhitaanku socdo. Wax eed ah oo rasmi ah oo ay soo gudbisay xeer-ilaalintu ma jirto. Balse waxa loo haysta qoraalo Facebook ga lagu qoray oo la sheegay inay ku saabsanaayeen midnimada Somalia, sida uu Xarunta u sheegay qareenkeeda oo ah Mubaarig Cabdi.
Booliisu way diideen in qoyskeedu la kulmo tan iyo markii abeheed la hadlay warbaahinta, sida ay xubno qoyskeeda ahi noo sheegeen.
Naciima waxa la xidhay iyada oo aan loo haysan amar qabasho oo garsoore soo saaray, sida uu sheegay qareenkeeda, Mubaarik. Sida ku cad qodobka 25aad ee Dastuurka JSL “ma bannaana in qofna la qabto, la baadho ama la xayiro, haddii uusan markaa dembi faraha kula jirin, ama aanu amar qabasho oo sababaysan ku soo saarin Garsoore awood u lihi.”
“Xadhiga aan amarka qabasho loo haysan ee Niciima loo xidhay aragtideeda oo ay dhiibatay wuxuu ka soo horjeedaa Dastuurka Somaliland. Dastuurka Somaliland iyo xeerarka caalamiga ahiba waxaay damaanad qaadaan xorriyadda cabiridda aragtida,” ayuu yidhi Guleid Ahmed Jama, Gudoomiyaha Xarunta Xuquuqal Insaanka.
“Aad ayaanu uga walaacsanahay xadhiga Naciima oo loo haysto aragtideeda siyaasadeed. Dawladdu waa inay ixtiraamtaa dastuurkeeda,” ayuu ku daray Guleid.
Xarunta Xuquuqal Insaanku waxaay ka codsanaysa dawladda Somaliland inay u ogolaato qoyskeedu inuu la kulmo iyo inay xorriyadeeda u soo celiso Naciima.
Guleid Ahmed Jama
Gudoomiyaha Xarunta Xuquuqal Insaanka
Email: hrcsomaliland@gmail.com
Somaliland: Human Rights Centre calls on the government to release jailed poet
Somaliland government should immediately release jailed poet Naema Ahmed Ibrahim, Human Rights Centre said in a statement.
On 27th January 2018, Naema Ahmed Ibrahim, a poet, was arrested by the National Intelligence Agency from Hargeisa Egal International Airport while she was traveling to Mogadishu, according to Ahmed Ibrahim, Naema’s father who spoke to HRC.
Naema was first held in a facility run by the National Intelligence Agency. On 28th January, she was transferred to the Central Police Station where she is now detained, sources confirmed to HRC.
She was brought to Hargeisa Regional Court on 29th January 2018 and 1st February 2018. The court remanded her into custody. No official charges are filed by the prosecution. But she is held for Facebook posts allegedly related to the unity of Somalia, according to her lawyer, Mubarik Abdi.
The police denied her family to meet Naema after the father spoke to the media, according to family members.
Naema was arrested without a court warrant, lawyer Mubarik told HRC. According to article 25 of Somaliland Constitution, “no person may be arrested, searched, or detained, except when caught in flagrante delicto, or on the issue of a reasoned arrest warrant by a competent judge.”
“The arrest of Naema without a court warrant for expressing her opinion is contrary to the Constitution. Both the Constitution of Somaliland and the international human rights instruments guarantee freedom of expression,” says Guleid Ahmed Jama, the chairperson of Human Rights Centre.
“We are very concerned about the detention of Naema who is held for her political opinion. The government should respect its Constitution,” Guleid added.
Human Rights Centre requests the government of Somaliland to allow family members to visit her, and to immediately release Naema.
Guleid Ahmed Jama
Director of Human Rights Centre, Hargeisa Somaliland
Email: hrcsomaliland@gmail.com